Hi! I’m Tom Pham, an avid traveler and a Vietnamese food lover. I love to travel to meet people, learn about the different cultures and especially about the foods around the world. With Viet Kitchen, I would like to introduce you to the Vietnamese culture through its food, providing recipes that are tasty to eat, yet simple to make.
You can find my Viet Kitchen Alexa skill in the Amazon store. The intelligent voice skill provides step by step Voice instructions on how to cook Vietnamese dishes and interesting Vietnamese food facts. The skill is free and can be used on any Amazon Echo and Alexa devices, Fire TVs, Fire Tablets, iOS and Android devices with the Alexa app.
Tom Pham
Viet Kitchen skill provides authentic Vietnamese recipes that are tasty to eat yet simple to make like Spring Roll Gỏi Cuốn or Sizzling Crepe Bánh Xèo. Step by step cooking instructions and useful cooking tips are provided to help you cook easier. You can ask for a recipe by name, listen to or view the ingredients and easily navigate through the menus and cooking steps with your voice. On an Alexa device with screen, you can touch select a recipe and scroll through the recipe’s ingredient texts and illustrated images.
Viet Kitchen skill also provides interesting Vietnamese food facts to introduce you to Vietnamese culture through its food. Here is a sample food fact: “Vietnam has three distinct food regions. Northern cuisine is harmonious and subtle; Central cuisine is delicate, complex and spicy; while Southern cuisine is sweeter, smoother and has lots of herbs and fresh vegetables”.
You can use the Viet Kitchen skill on Amazon Alexa devices with or without a screen.